November ZOOM Meeting

Date: Thursday, November 18, 2021
Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: ZOOM
Speaker: MCEPC Guest Speaker for the November ZOOM Meeting- Brad Gould, Dean Mead

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Brad Gould, Florida Bar Board Certified Tax Attorney and Fellow of the American Colleege of Tax Counsel, Dean Mead will Speak on the Topic:

Update on Estate and Gift taxes

Brad, a Florida Bar board certified tax attorney and fellow of the American College of Tax Counsel, serves as a trusted counselor to businesses and individuals in the full range of corporate, tax and estate planning. He represents executives, entrepreneurs, and business owners in tax, transactional, estate planning, and estate administration matters. Brad guides businesses and business owners through all stages of the company’s life cycle, from formation and governance, to mergers, sales and succession planning, to operations and represents both businesses and individuals before the IRS in tax matters.

A frequent speaker and active in national and state associations, Brad currently serves as Chair of the S Corporations Committee for the Section of Taxation of the American Bar Association.

The Martin County Estate Planning Council is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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